A network of agriculture schools
Who are we?
CNEAP Hauts de France is a federation of 18 private agrotechnical schools located in the North of France, between Paris and the Belgium border). Our schools welcome 7 500 learners aged 13 to 21, from lower secondary education to higher education, in the areas of agriculture, nature and services. With 45% of the learners studying in the agricultural sector, CNEAP Hauts-de-France is the main stakeholder for agricultural training in the region.
CNEAP Hauts de France schools are private schools belonging to catholic education. They aim for each learner to grow with the inspiration of the gospel values.
5 missions of agrotechnical schools in France
Our schools are under contract with the French Ministry of agriculture, which entrusts them with 5 missions:
- Secondary and higher technical and vocational education and training, as initial and lifelong education
- Social and professional insertion of learners
- Research and experimentation in agriculture and revitalisation of rural territories
- International cooperation and the discovery of other cultures and other learnings modes
- Animation and development of territories where the schools are located
What do we represent?
Beyond their missions of education, training and professional insertion, CNEAP schools are resource centres for territories and networks of employers.
In addition to the schools, boarding schools and training centres, we gather agricultural holdings and pedagogic farms, horse-riding facilities, technological halls, pedagogic day-nursery, company hosting facilities, central kitchens, group hosting facilities and selling areas, fully integrated to the schools. This network is thus a key stakeholder for vitality of territories.
Our values
Personal development of young people and adults
- Human-size schools, where each learner can find its place
- Reasonable number of pupils in classes (20 pupils in average per class)
- Pedagogic and educational support inspired from the gospel values and paying attention to the personal development of each
- Welcome all young people without judgement nor discrimination
- 90% success rate at the exams
- 90% professional insertion or continuation of studies after graduation
Commit to environmental education and to social and environmental responsibility
- Environmental education included in all the training programmes and educational projects of schools
- A regional sustainable parliament for representation of students
- Practical implementation with a waste reduction and food waste plan, with the support of the French national agency for environment and energy management (ADEME)
- Encourage local companies and producers in the buying policy of our schools
- Engage partnerships with NGOs and economic actors of the territory
- Develop new services for the territory, when possible
- Lead the schools’ investments towards ecological transition and Third industrial revolution in the agricultural and maritime sectors
Key figures
associated engineering schools
secondary schools and training sites
lifelong training centres
apprenticeship training units
million euros of economic weight
success rate at the exams
professional insertion rate after 6 months
of students in boarding school
On the ground
students from lower secondary education (EFQ level 3) to engineer (EFQ level 7)
educators, administrative and technical staff
adult learners
voluntary administrators
teachers and trainers
Training sectors

Agriculture, Crops, Horticulture

Horse, Breeding

Agricultural machinery and equipment
Secondary education (EFQ 4)
Higher education (EFQ 5)

Agri-food industry, Transformation
Secondary education (EFQ 4)
Higher education (EFQ 5)

Biology and laboratories, Agronomic research
Secondary education (EFQ 4)
Higher education (EFQ 5)

Forestry, Landscape, Environment
Secondary education (EFQ 4)
Higher education (EFQ 5)

Services to people, Care, Development of territories

Sales and commerce
Secondary education (EFQ 4)
Food sales consulting technician
Pet shops sales consulting technician
Garden center sales consulting technician
Higher education (EFQ 5)
International activities
Our schools are involved in various international activities. CNEAP Hauts-de-France coordinates 3 mobility consortia as part of Erasmus+ programme, on vocational training, school education and higher education. Every student of our schools therefore has a chance to benefit from Erasmus+ opportunities!
We are also involved in international partnerships in various countries and we develop different activities such as international youth workcamps, international volunteering…
Hosting foreign students, volunteers or teachers is an important part of our international project.